Monday, November 23, 2020

Holiday Season

As we head in to the holiday season, we have much to be grateful for. 2020 has been that strange unprecedented year that I hope we never experience again. I am grateful we have been able to have in-person instruction. We have students, teachers, staff and administrators that have followed our CoVid standard operating procedures to allow us to continue in person learning. I hope we can stay on this path.

The "new normal" school year has been stressful for all. No one likes to wear masks, except at cold football games maybe. Everyone in school needs to be commended for the extra work that has been brought about by CoVid.

I am grateful for the community of Chadron, the School Board and Chadron Public Schools Staff. They have made my transition here an easier one. My family and I embrace our new life here and hope for some social interaction when it is prudent to do so.

The New Year is a natural time for reflection. It’s a moment when we can look back at the highs and lows. We can then decide to embrace them as learning opportunities or we can examine them to bring about a change.  In any case, we need to use these experiences to become better educators. Often in a school, many do not understand all the hats that we have to wear to make our school successful. It can be very tiring and sometimes we wonder if it really makes a difference. I want to thank each and every one of the staff members and parents for ALL you do for the students. An education is the greatest gift that we can give our kids.

Establishing positive relationships with your students and children, while creating an atmosphere where children have positive relationships with each other, will truly benefit any classroom, family or community. Quality relationships will support and increase a positive community where children want to thrive. I am fortunate to work with a faculty that views positive relationships as the most important and strive to nurture those relationships. “A quality teacher-student relationship means more than the combined power of all teaching and discipline techniques known to humankind.” Love and logic Teacher-ism

In 2021, we will continue to build those relationships that will allow our students to be successful in and out of the classroom.

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