Monday, March 4, 2024

School Improvement Visit

Chadron Public Schools participated in an Accreditation Engagement Review in November 2023. Overall the review was very positive and highlighted some of the wonderful things happening in the district. The review team found Chadron to exhibit strengths in fostering a positive learning environment, providing robust support systems, and utilizing data for improvement. Highlighted areas are as follows:

Culture of Learning

The Chadron Public Schools have cultivated and sustained a culture of caring that puts the well-being of learners at the center of its mission, purpose, and beliefs.

Leadership for Learning

Highly qualified district leaders and professional staff have developed a continuous school improvement process focused on organizational effectiveness and improved teaching and learning.

Engagement of Learning

The Chadron Public Schools have multiple programs in place to engage learners and enhance the academic and non-academic skills of learners. 

Growth in Learning

Chadron Public Schools is characterized by professional staff members who support and engage learners in the acquisition of academic and non-academic skills through the utilization of data from a variety of sources.

There were areas for improvement identified. These include the need for more structured professional development, streamlined communication methods, comprehensive curriculum review, full implementati

on of MTSS, formal data review processes, and enhanced engagement in digital learning. Addressing these areas could align the district's efforts more closely with its strengths, ensuring comprehensive excellence across all areas of operation and furthering its mission to provide quality education for all learners. 

More information can be found on the School Improvement Process website 

Board Member Appreciation

Big shout-out to the Chadron Public Schools board members for their dedication and service to the district. It’s not an easy job, but it’s c...